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Trapping lost cats (TLC) Yorkshire

Amanda George

In October 2023 THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent the first Angel Grant at the new amount of £400 – to TLC trapping lost cats in Yorkshire. They had this to say:

"That’s brilliant, thank you so much. We could do with another couple of traps. We have 12 but they are all constantly in use. And food, we go through mountains of pouches and bait food; an average night baiting the traps that are out is about £25... Two traps arriving tomorrow, thank you so much...and the rest on food. We are not a rescue but as there are no rescue spaces we are having to keep them in our own fosters until rescue space can be found, and we all know how much mum and kittens eat. I think if we had 100 traps it wouldn't be enough at the minute, it’s shocking out there; we try and have traps scattered around to help when people need them plus keep the van full for our trappings."



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