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Save a Stray, Yorkshire

Amanda George

In July of this year, The Sanctuary Angels became aware of Poppy (above), who was being cared for by Save a Stray in Yorkshire. Poppy's situation was dire, but we wanted to be part of the efforts to try and save her life. So we sent an emergency £500 Angel Grant, to help with Poppy's vet bills.

I will let Save a Stray tell you her story and give you the happy update: "2 months ago, you helped save Poppy's life. Poppy came into our care as a heavily pregnant stray who suffered major complications during labour. Thanks to the expert care and astute vigilance of her foster-care team, Poppy received the emergency medical treatment she needed. Tragically, one of her babies was breech and she underwent an emergency C-section to safely deliver her other babies. Tragedy struck again, when her second baby didn't make it beyond 24 hours. The third and final kitten was cared for by her incredible veterinary team while Poppy remained on life support. We honestly thought we would lose Poppy.  It was an agonising time for all who cared for her. We willed her to survive and recover for her own sake, as well as for her one remaining kitten, who needed her mummy. Well, thanks to her great team of carers and her own will to live, Poppy is here with us now, grateful for her loving care and rewarding her fosterers with all her love and affection."



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