THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent a £300 Angel grant to Raluca's Romanian Cat Rescue Shelter (Facebook: @LoveForAnimalsForever80) as part of their Spring Sanctuary Programme. The shelter is run by Raluca Done, a teacher living in Braila, Romania. As a child, Raluca felt deep love and compassion for animals and, over time, became involved in the rescue, adoption and care of animals. Alone, she has cared for 90 cats and 4 dogs that she has rescued. As Raluca has a young baby, she currently has some help from her mother, who has heart problems. All the animals need food, de-worming, flea treatments, vitamins, blankets and veterinary care.
This is what Raluca had to say about her latest Angel grant: "T*** probably told you that we take food for cats from a pet shop that delivers food to us on duty, and so we roll the money, pay, and take on duty and so on. At the moment we have a debt of 390 euros at this petshop. I have pictures of the food delivered and the related receipts ... Now all you have to do is tell me Amanda if you agree for me to pay the debt at the pet shop or to pay only part of the debt and the rest to order food... Thank you very much for thinking of us, you support us as always."
We were delighted to be able to help Raluca clear the debt with her local petshop so that she can buy more food for the cats in her care. We thank our supporters for making that possible.
Thank you so much, Amanda George& The Sanctuary ANGELS!God bless you ALL!🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗