THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent a £400 Angel Grant to Northern Ireland Battery Hen Rescue t/a Nut House Hen Rescue & Re-homing in February 2024. "I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your donation of £400 to Northern Ireland Battery Hen Rescue. I’m the founder and one of the trustees. We’ve been struggling recently, a lot of it due to my health problems. I’ve been stressing terribly about how we were going to pay this month's feed bill for the hens, never mind the cats, geese, ducks and guinea pigs. Our monthly feed totals alone are about £900, and then we have bedding costs, vet expenses and running costs on top of that. Your donation has meant we can purchase bedding to keep us going for 4 months, as well as covering part of our feed bill. I have been truly humbled due to people’s generosity, and your donation is the icing on the cake. Thank you from all our blind and special needs girls, and our permanent residents like our special girl, Fish."