MITCHELL'S PLAIN ANIMAL WELFARE, South Africa, works in collaboration with other organisations to advance the rights and dignity of abused animals. MPAW's main focus is sterlisation and rescuing strays from the streets. Its aim is to nurse the sick, abused, neglected and forgotten animals from the streets and rehome them. Before rehoming and nursing back to health, they also do tests for parvo, feline AIDS and leukaemia. Vanessa, who runs MPAW, said: "There is always a sense of urgency about the labour of love we engage in, as the volume of cases stream in like a river and funds almost always do not cover the expenses."
Facebook: @mitchellsplainanimalwelfare
THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent £300 to Mitchell's Plain Animal Welfare as part of their Spring Appeal 2021. Vanessa, who runs MPAW, said: ""It's a blessing and may you continue to be blessed in what you do. A real Labour of love."