THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent a £300 Angel grant to Kotor Kitties, an organisation that helps the homeless cats of Montenegro live healthier lives and reduces the homeless population through spaying and neutering. This is what they said about their grant:
"That’s fantastic news - thank you so much. The money will be spent on spaying and neutering the community cats of Montenegro. £300 will be able to sterilise 10 cats, which will prevent at least 100 (probably more) kittens being born or or abandoned on the street. Montenegro is a country that is full of stray cats and the health of the animals is often poor. 75–90% of street cats will die in their first year, so much suffering has been prevented from your grant."
To find out more about Kotor Kitties' work with felines, you can visit their Facebook page Koda's Mission or their website https://kotorkitties.org/