The Sanctuary Angels sent a £500 Angel Grant last week to Hedgepigs and Hoglets Rescue in Cornwall. This is what Jill had to say about how the money will help them:
"We are so very grateful; it truly couldn't have come at a better time, as we have just spent most of our funds on new poltec cages, gloss cladding and flooring. We are about to order a cooling/heating unit from LJR Refrigeration, at a cost of £1,750, which is essential for the winter of course, but if not it will go to our core funds for food, cleaning supplies and vets fees."
The Sanctuary Angels raise awareness and vital funds for animals and their rescuers around the world. Angel Grants are currently £500. We are a voluntary organisation and rely 100% on donations from the public. We promote veganism and animal adoption: www.thesanctuaryangels.com