THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent a £300 Angel grant to grass-roots cat rescue charity Glupina's Legacy - TNR Project, Bosnia, as part of their Winter Appeal 2022. We were delighted to learn that this money, raised by our supporters, will pay for the neutering/spaying of 11 cats before winter sets in.
In Glupina's words: "Thank you so, so much! It's coming in the purrrrrrrfect moment as we are really struggling with funds lately and we so wish to use the good weather to fix as many possible until the real winter is here! It will actually help us fix 11 more and we really can't thank you enough for bringing us this close to our aim of 100 cats for this year! So, so grateful!!!"
Read more about the wonderful work of Glupina's Legacy on their Facebook page: Glupina's Legacy - TNR Project