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Diane Hart / The Sheepdog/Collie Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, Wales

Amanda George

Earlier in December The Sanctuary Angels sent a £300 Angel grant to Diane Hart The Sheepdog/Collie Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre. We were delighted to hear that our donation helped with a very special case:

"Our Collie Rescue & Rehab Centre is based in Wales (Charity number 1200171). We have around 120 dogs currently and are at maximum capacity. We have had a huge influx of dogs post-lockdown and due to the cost of living crisis. Lots of the dogs now coming into us are unneutered, which brings an added expense to the rescue charity. Peggy is one of those dogs who needed spaying, and thanks to The Sanctuary Angels we were able to pay for her vet bill. Sweet Peggy came to us from a home where she was completely unsocialised. She was petrified of the world. She will stay with us for many, many months while she learns that she is in a safe loving environment and there is no need to be afraid of the world. Hopefully she will eventually get her very own home where she can snuggle on the sofa and relax."

Peggy is pictured below. We hope that she comes to trust the world again and to live her best life. Thank you to Diane Hart and her team for stepping up for her.



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