THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent a £300 Angel grant to Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary in Manchester, the UK. In their own words: "From dogs and cats to horses and farm animals we really do have a vast array of animals at the Sanctuary. Our vision is ‘For every animal that comes into our care to have the best life possible and the opportunity to be re-homed in a safe, loving environment’. We believe that every animal deserves a second chance and this means we often take in animals that have health conditions or are elderly. We try and make their stay as close to a home as possible by having special dedicated oldies areas. We continue to support these animals in homes so they have a better chance at finding that special forever home. This does mean our vets bills are constantly increasing. On the stables and farm we take animals that are unlikely to be rehomed due to age or illness and provide sanctuary to them for the rest of their lives. We endeavour to give them the very best." To find out more about their amazing work, please visit their Facebook page Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary or their website https://www.bleakholt.org/info/about-bleakholt/