ANIMAL AID UNLIMITED is a rescue centre, hospital and sanctuary for ownerless street animals in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Animal Aid’s mission is both to bring relief to suffering animals and to awaken compassion among people. AAU is a charitable organisation that runs a busy animal hospital and shelter in Udaipur, where ownerless street animals are rescued, healed, loved and returned to the neighbourhoods from where they came.
Facebook: @AnimalAidUnlimited Website: www.animalaidunlimited.org
THE SANCTUARY ANGELS were delighted to be able to send £300 to AAU as part of their Spring Appeal 2021. Erika Abrams of AAU said: "So maybe this is why you are able to give to animal 'strangers'. You have learned over the years that inside the group of so-called strangers, there is a 'you, little old bull' and 'you, little yawning brown puppy', and 'you, sweet, tired little grey donkey'… Thank you so much. If we could all be like you, how people’s unintentional cruelties of negligence and indifference would vanish."