THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent their first £300 Angel grant to ALL CREATURES Lilongwe in Africa, as part of their Summer Sanctuary Programme. ALL CREATURES was founded in 2016 in Malawi as not-for-profit organisation to undertake several animal welfare, public health, public policy concerns within the realms of veterinary tenets. Their goal is to raise the status of animals and their owners in Africa through establishing professional veterinary services.This goal and the core of their DNA, as an organisation, is espoused in their slogan: "Every being deserves a decent life". The legal charitable mandate is therefore to provide professional veterinary services to the community and extend much-needed veterinary support to low-income earners, increase animal protection, provide humane education, mass rabies vaccination and promote veterinary training. The charity has established two veterinary centres in (Lilongwe) Malawi and (Entebbe) Uganda. All the centres have basic veterinary facilities in locations with populations that require these services, juxtaposed with low-income communities who cannot afford these services. To find out more about ALL CREATURES' life-saving and innovative work, you can visit their Facebook page (@allcreaturesll) and their website (www.allcreaturestrust.org).