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Brook Farm Animal Sanctuary, Northamptonshire

Amanda George

BROOK FARM ANIMAL SANCTUARY is dedicated to caring for animals; to rescuing them from cruelty, hardship, and neglect; to ensuring they live out the remainder of their natural lives in the optimum physical and psychological comfort; and to rehoming them when possible but always overseeing their care. BFAS has a non-destruct policy, except on veterinary advice and where all else has failed. In some instances, where the animals have special needs, are very old, or have personality disorders, BFAS guarantees them care and protection, as well as a home for the remainder of their lives. Animals include, but are not limited to: dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, ponies, goats, sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, and all kinds of wildlife.

Facebook: @brookfarm2005 Website:

THE SANCTUARY ANGELS sent £250 to BFAS in May 2018.

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